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Should I enable custom robots txt in Blogger? 

Answers from top 8 papers

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Papers (8)Insight
For robots to engage with humans properly, they should also be equipped with similar capabilities.
These findings, their interpretation, and application to robots can lead to improved design and development of social robots.
Journal ArticleDOI
01 Mar 2005-Interactions
65 Citations
After all, personal robots should not only be useful to their human users, but ideally people will genuinely enjoy having their robots around.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Yang Sun, Ziming Zhuang, C. Lee Giles 
08 May 2007
50 Citations
The results also show that the usage of robots. txt has increased over time.
The results show that the PLANET approach to mobile Web search robots significantly reduces the amount of data transferred via the Internet and that it enables the robots to work more efficiently than the robots in the conventional stationary scheme whenever nontrivial amounts of HTML files are processed.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
01 Apr 2009
55 Citations
BFlow is compatible with every legitimate Blogger extension that we have found, yet it prevents malicious extensions from leaking confidential data.
The design of social robots should therefore be more careful to avoid errors after periods of good performance than early on in a dialogue.
The key advantage of the proposed approach is its ability to automatically detect events which are important in the blogger community.

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How far does this reinforcement learning have been used in education?
5 answers
Reinforcement learning has been increasingly utilized in education to enhance learning processes and outcomes. The integration of reinforcement learning in educational systems aims to automate functions such as identifying, recommending, and executing actions beneficial to students. Education 4.0 emphasizes the adoption of technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, including reinforcement learning, to drive innovation and growth in academic institutions. Moreover, reinforcement learning has been applied in cybersecurity education and training, showcasing its potential in addressing various educational challenges and enhancing learning experiences. These studies collectively highlight the growing importance and application of reinforcement learning in the educational domain, indicating a significant advancement in leveraging technology to improve teaching and learning processes.
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Engression: Extrapolation for Nonlinear Regression?
5 answers
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5 answers
To effectively utilize ChatGPT, several technical requirements must be considered. ChatGPT is a large language model based on Generative Adversarial Network architecture, requiring access to massive data, super large models, and significant computing power for optimal performance. It has shown promise in various applications, including requirements elicitation in Natural Language Processing for Requirements Engineering (NLP4RE) processes, where it has demonstrated the ability to generate requirements that are abstract, atomic, consistent, correct, and understandable. Additionally, ChatGPT can be leveraged for debugging software code, offering assistance in bug prediction and explanation, although it is essential to combine its strengths with other debugging tools for comprehensive bug identification and resolution. Therefore, to harness ChatGPT effectively, access to substantial data, powerful computing resources, and integration with complementary tools are crucial.
What is fine-tuing for LLM?
5 answers
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Can u write a paragraph with in text citation?
4 answers
When writing a paragraph with in-text citations, it is crucial to properly credit the sources used. In academic writing, in-text citations serve to acknowledge the original authors and provide readers with a way to locate the referenced information. According to Kestler, in-text citations can be achieved through two main methods: using a signal phrase that includes the author's name before the borrowed information or incorporating a parenthetical reference with at least a page number. These citations are essential for giving credit to the original sources and avoiding plagiarism. By following the guidelines for in-text citations, writers can strengthen the credibility of their work and demonstrate a thorough understanding of the existing literature.
Why household user need electricity load forecasting?
4 answers
Household users need electricity load forecasting for several crucial reasons, as highlighted by recent research in the field. Firstly, accurate electricity load forecasting enables consumers to plan and manage their electricity expenses more effectively, which is particularly beneficial for off-grid systems where power cuts due to insufficient energy supply can disrupt planned activities and necessitate costly alternatives. This planning capability is essential in the face of increasing electricity usage in households, driven by a growing number of electrical devices and the need to mitigate climate change impacts. Moreover, short-term electric load forecasting (STLF) is vital for the safety and economical operation of electric power systems, which directly benefits consumers by ensuring a reliable and cost-effective electricity supply. The application of machine learning techniques, such as the use of smart sensor data to infer user behavior, further enhances the accuracy of STLF, allowing for more precise predictions that can lead to optimized energy consumption. Additionally, innovative approaches like combining energy disaggregation with neural networks have shown to improve forecasting accuracy, thereby reducing the operation and maintenance costs of energy systems. This reduction in costs can ultimately benefit consumers through lower electricity bills. Demand Response (DR) programs, supported by accurate load forecasting, also play a significant role in managing electricity demand efficiently, offering potential cost savings and enhanced system reliability for household users. Furthermore, understanding the energy consumption patterns of household appliances through forecasting can guide users towards more energy-efficient behaviors, contributing to overall energy savings and environmental sustainability. Therefore, electricity load forecasting is not only a tool for expense management but also a critical component in the transition towards more sustainable and user-centric energy systems.
What is inference time object detection?
5 answers
Inference time object detection refers to the process of identifying objects in real-time during the execution of a model. This involves quickly and accurately detecting various objects in images, videos, or live feeds. To enhance detection performance, some approaches incorporate object permanence concepts, where predictions from previous frames are used as additional proposals for the current frame. By leveraging machine learning and deep learning techniques like YOLOv3, these methods aim to achieve efficient and reliable object detection, even for small or occluded objects in high-definition videos. Implementing such strategies can significantly improve detection accuracy and stability, making them valuable for applications like surveillance, recognition, and tracking in various fields.
Is there any method to design learning rate schedule scheme in training procedure?
5 answers
Yes, there are methods proposed in recent research papers to design learning rate schedule schemes for training procedures. One approach involves leveraging the option framework to automatically learn a learning rate schedule based on optimization dynamics, emphasizing temporal abstraction. Another method introduces a novel learning rate scheduler that dynamically adjusts the learning rate of adversarial networks to maintain a delicate balance during training, leading to improved model quality and reduced tuning requirements. Additionally, a parameterized structure called MLR-SNet has been proposed to learn adaptable learning rate schedules for deep neural networks, enhancing flexibility and transferability across various tasks and data variations. These methods aim to optimize learning rates effectively during training for better model performance.