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The reasons behind the overlap between the knowledge management and human resources ? 

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The overlap between knowledge management (KM) and human resources (HR) stems from their shared focus on organizational success through the effective utilization of human capital and knowledge assets. KM emphasizes the identification, creation, and distribution of knowledge for organizational benefit , while HRM ensures the efficient use of human talent to achieve organizational goals . Both fields recognize organizational knowledge as a valuable asset and emphasize the accumulation, maintenance, and transfer of knowledge and skills throughout the organization . Leadership plays a crucial role in driving knowledge management practices within an organization, with knowledge leaders guiding employees towards effective knowledge sharing, innovation, and continuous improvement . The integration of HR practices with a knowledge focus can enhance an organization's overall knowledge management goals and contribute to sustained success .

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Knowledge Management and Human Resources overlap as HR seeks recruits aligned with KM principles, aiming to convert tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, fostering a culture of sharing and learning.
The overlap between knowledge management and human resources is driven by the shift to a knowledge-based economy, emphasizing education, innovation, technology, and new management structures for long-term growth.
The overlap between Knowledge Management and Human Resource Development is due to their shared focus on organizational knowledge as a valuable asset, best practices in knowledge accumulation, and skills transfer.
Leadership plays a crucial role in aligning knowledge management and human resources. A knowledge leader fosters knowledge sharing, teamwork, innovation, trust, and continuous improvement, enhancing individual and organizational performance.
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11 Citations
Human resources and knowledge management overlap as HRM ensures intellectual capital by recruiting, training, and developing employees, contributing to knowledge sharing and organizational goals alignment.

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