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What are papers that use Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a heuristic model for small case studies? 

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Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) has been applied as a heuristic model across various small case studies, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness in analyzing and understanding complex social and educational phenomena. For instance, Susan Mathieson et al. explored the induction-to-teaching experiences of new academics at a Northern UK university, using CHAT to identify contradictions and interventions within the academic induction process . Similarly, Sebah Al-Ali utilized CHAT in a local case study to examine language teachers' practices and challenges in using videos as instructional tools, reflecting on the application of Activity Systems Analysis (ASA) for data analysis . In the realm of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), Rob Miles demonstrated CHAT's practicality by investigating laptop-mediated English language classrooms in the UAE, showcasing how CHAT can guide research into the realities of technology usage in education and drive theory-based interventions . Erina Andriani and colleagues provided a CHAT analysis of an Educational Psychology class in a fully online learning environment at a private university in Yogyakarta, highlighting the framework's utility in evaluating the learning process and identifying challenges related to the units of analysis within CHAT . Moreover, CHAT has been applied beyond educational settings, as shown by W. J. Casstevens and Kim L. Stansbury, who used the framework to examine a community-based racial equity and social justice action group in the American South. This study highlighted CHAT's ability to clarify points of tension within the group, supporting leadership assessment and constructive follow-up . These examples underscore CHAT's adaptability and value in conducting small case studies across different contexts, from academic induction and language teaching to technology-enhanced learning and community action, providing deep insights into the sociocultural dynamics at play.

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Papers like "New academics’ experiences of induction to teaching" utilize Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a heuristic model for small case studies to understand and enhance induction experiences.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
12 Jun 2020
3 Citations
Papers utilizing Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) for small case studies include "Activity systems analysis: A maze worth exploring" by Sebah Al-Ali.
Papers like "Exploring the potential of cultural historical activity theory for understanding change in education" utilize CHAT as a heuristic model for small case studies in education.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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