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What are prevalence of low back pain in iraq? 

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The prevalence of low back pain (LBP) varies across different populations. In Iraq, a study conducted in Thiqar province found that 71% of pregnant females experienced back pain during their pregnancies . Additionally, research in Saudi Arabia highlighted that LBP is a prevalent issue among healthcare workers, with an overall prevalence of 73.9% in the past 12 months, and 50% experiencing LBP with neurological symptoms . Furthermore, beliefs about LBP management in the Saudi population were explored, revealing that 86% of respondents had experienced LBP, with common misconceptions such as the need for rest and imaging for optimal care . These studies underscore the significance of understanding the prevalence and beliefs surrounding LBP in different populations for effective management and prevention strategies.

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In Thiqar province, Iraq, 71% of pregnant women experienced lower back pain, with 74% developing it in the first trimester. Previous back issues were reported in 11.96% of cases.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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What are the epidemological evidence of low back pain?5 answersEpidemiological evidence from various studies highlights the significant prevalence of low back pain (LBP) in the United States and globally. Factors such as age, occupation, obesity, and psychosocial elements contribute to the development of LBP, impacting individuals across different age groups and professions. Studies have shown high prevalence rates of LBP among student populations in various countries, emphasizing the need for understanding and addressing this issue among younger demographics. Occupational settings play a crucial role in the epidemiology of LBP, with occupation-specific factors influencing the occurrence and persistence of LBP among different work groups. These findings underscore the importance of tailored interventions and preventive strategies to mitigate the burden of LBP on individuals and society.
Is Low Back Pain related to occupation?5 answersLow back pain (LBP) is related to occupation, with certain occupational factors contributing to its prevalence and severity. These factors include heavy physical work, prolonged sitting, poor ergonomics, and psychosocial stress. The occurrence of occupational LBP has been analyzed in various industries, including the health and hygiene industry, commercial, manufacturing, and transportation industries. Women are slightly more prone to LBP than men, and most cases occur in workers in their 20s and 30s. Preventive strategies such as workplace ergonomics interventions and regular physical activity are recommended to reduce the burden of LBP among workers. Understanding these occupational risk factors is crucial for implementing effective prevention strategies and interventions in occupational settings. Targeted interventions and policies can be developed to prevent and manage LBP in specific occupational settings.
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What is the prevalence of lower back pain in Yemen?5 answersThe prevalence of lower back pain in Yemen among female nursing staff is high, with lifetime, 12-month, and one-week prevalence rates of 74.5%, 59.8%, and 36.2% respectively. The study also found that three out of every 10 nurses with lower back pain had taken sick leave in the last 12 months due to their condition. Factors associated with lower back pain among nursing staff in Yemen include age, nationality, menstrual disorders, and stress level at work. However, there is no specific information available on the overall prevalence of lower back pain in Yemen beyond the nursing staff population.
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What is the prevalence of low back pain among weightlifters in Kingdome of Saudi Arabia?4 answersThe prevalence of low back pain among weightlifters in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is not specifically mentioned in the provided abstracts. None of the abstracts focus on weightlifters or provide data on the prevalence of low back pain specifically among weightlifters in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, we cannot provide a specific answer to the question based on the given abstracts.

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