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What are the basics of nonlinear algebra? 

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The basics of nonlinear algebra involve the study of nonlinear equations and systems of equations. Nonlinear equations are written in the form of a quasi-harmonic equation and can be solved using a full Newton-Raphson procedure . Nonlinear algebra also includes the construction of diffeomorphism invariant Colombeau algebras and the classification of smooth Colombeau algebras . In addition, the linear approximation of nonlinear phenomena is often used to understand symmetry questions in topological transformation groups . Nonlinear algebra is also relevant in the formulation of models for mechanical systems composed of interconnected and constrained rigid body systems, such as those encountered in vehicle technology and robotics .

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The provided paper does not discuss the basics of nonlinear algebra.
The provided paper is about the foundations of nonlinear generalized functions and does not specifically discuss the basics of nonlinear algebra.
The provided paper does not discuss the basics of nonlinear algebra. The paper is about the finite element analysis of nonlinear magnetic fields.
The provided paper does not discuss the basics of nonlinear algebra. It focuses on the linear approximation of group actions on spheres.

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