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What are the benefits and drawbacks of traditional learning methods compared to modern, technology-based approaches? 

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Traditional learning methods, involving physical classrooms and face-to-face interactions, offer a conducive environment for adequate clinical practice and improved teacher-student interaction . On the other hand, modern technology-based approaches, such as video conferencing and digital game-based learning, enhance language teaching effectiveness and student engagement . While traditional methods ensure a better study environment and personal interaction, technology-based methods facilitate easier access to content, creativity promotion, and efficient assignment management . Drawbacks of traditional learning include limitations in overcoming certain educational constraints and increasing student interest, which technology-based methods aim to address . However, challenges like weak internet connectivity and the need for self-discipline hinder the effectiveness of online learning .

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Traditional methods like CLT offer a solid foundation, while modern tech-based approaches enhance engagement and interactivity. Tech tools like video conferencing and digital games improve language learning outcomes.
Benefits of traditional learning include personal interaction, while drawbacks involve limited flexibility. E-Learning offers flexibility but lacks face-to-face interaction, as discussed in the research paper.
Traditional learning offers better study environment and clinical practice, while modern online methods provide easier access to content and feedback. Drawbacks include connectivity issues and lack of self-discipline.
Traditional methods offer stability and familiarity, while modern technology-based approaches provide interactivity and engagement. Combining both can optimize English teaching by catering to diverse learning styles effectively.

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