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What are the benefits and drawbacks of using RES-based systems? 

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Renewable energy sources (RES) offer several benefits, including low operating costs and reduced carbon emissions . They provide a promising solution for utilities and are environmentally friendly . However, RES also have drawbacks. One challenge is their intermittence nature and the unpredictability of their output power, which poses difficulties for power system schedulers and operators . To address this, research has proposed solutions such as economic dispatch and unit commitment problems that integrate conventional and RES generation . Additionally, the integration of RES into the power system can lead to reduced system inertia and generation intermittency, which can be mitigated by the increased usage of electric vehicles (EVs) . EVs can provide frequency support using inertia and primary frequency regulation, improving the reliability of RES integrated systems . Overall, RES-based systems offer benefits in terms of cost and environmental impact, but challenges related to intermittence and system adequacy need to be addressed.

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The paper does not explicitly mention the benefits and drawbacks of using RES-based systems.
The paper does not explicitly mention the benefits and drawbacks of using RES-based systems.
The paper discusses the benefits of using RES-based systems for grid-support services, such as improved system stability and fast response time. However, it also mentions the potential drawback of system instabilities at high levels of RES penetration.
The paper does not explicitly mention the benefits and drawbacks of using RES-based systems.
The paper does not explicitly mention the benefits and drawbacks of using RES-based systems.

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