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What are the benefits and limitations of using ResearchGate and Altmetrics for impact measurement? 

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ResearchGate and Altmetrics have several benefits and limitations for impact measurement. Altmetrics, such as social media counts, can reflect the public interest and discussion of scholarly works, providing insights into the immediate impact of a publication beyond traditional bibliometrics . They can complement citation metrics and potentially provide a better picture of overall scientific impact, reducing biases associated with focusing solely on citations . However, altmetrics have limitations, including susceptibility to gaming, data sparsity, and difficulties in translating the evidence into specific types of impact . Additionally, altmetrics may mainly reflect public interest rather than societal impact . On the other hand, ResearchGate allows researchers to share their work, collaborate, and receive feedback, which can enhance the visibility and accessibility of their research . However, ResearchGate's limitations include concerns about the accuracy and reliability of the metrics it provides .

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The provided paper does not mention the benefits and limitations of using ResearchGate and Altmetrics for impact measurement.
The paper does not mention the benefits and limitations of using ResearchGate and Altmetrics for impact measurement. The paper discusses the strengths and limitations of altmetrics in general, but does not specifically address ResearchGate or provide information on its benefits or limitations.
The provided paper does not mention ResearchGate or provide information about its benefits and limitations for impact measurement.
The provided paper does not mention ResearchGate or discuss the benefits and limitations of using ResearchGate and Altmetrics for impact measurement.
The paper does not specifically mention ResearchGate or discuss the benefits and limitations of using ResearchGate and Altmetrics for impact measurement.

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