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What are the benefits of establish finance and accounting services to a shared service center in Thailand? 

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Establishing finance and accounting services in a shared service center in Thailand offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it enhances efficiency, reduces management costs, and improves customer satisfaction and service quality. Secondly, it promotes the integration of financial business, standardizes processes, and reduces costs while preventing financial risks. Additionally, shared service centers are crucial for improving efficiency, achieving cost-savings, and providing better services in finance and accounting functions. Moreover, in the era of big data, financial sharing platforms can transform financial management functions, prevent risks, and support corporate management effectively. Lastly, shared services arrangements in Thailand can lead to cost savings through process standardization and economies of scale, particularly in non-core functions like finance and accounting.

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Establishing finance and accounting services in a shared service center in Thailand can lead to cost savings, process standardization, and improved service performance through economies of scale and enhanced customer service.
The benefits of establishing finance and accounting services to a shared service center in Thailand include enhanced timeliness and accuracy of accounting treatment through automated business-driven systems.
Establishing finance and accounting services in a shared service center in Thailand enhances efficiency, reduces costs, improves management, and boosts customer satisfaction, as seen in multinational and large domestic enterprises.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
11 Mar 2020
8 Citations
Establishing a Financial Shared Service Center in Thailand can enhance group management, standardize accounting, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and mitigate financial risks, as outlined in the research.

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