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What are the benefits of using One-Time Password (OTP) codes for authentication and security purposes? 

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Using One-Time Password (OTP) codes for authentication and security purposes offers several benefits. OTPs enhance data security by mitigating common attacks like brute force and replay attacks. They provide a dynamic layer of security compared to static passwords, reducing the risk of unauthorized access. OTPs also improve user authentication by frequently changing passwords, making them a robust alternative to traditional static passwords. Additionally, OTP systems can be further secured by incorporating additional layers of protection, such as performing intermediate mathematical calculations before OTP usage. Furthermore, OTP-based authentication systems reinforce security measures, ensuring data protection and reliable access control. Overall, OTPs enhance security, prevent common attacks, and offer a dynamic and reliable authentication method for various applications.

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One-Time Password (OTP) codes enhance security by eliminating access control inconvenience, utilizing existing user equipment, and providing strong control similar to traditional access control systems.
One-Time Passwords (OTPs) enhance security by frequently changing passwords, reducing vulnerability to attacks. The proposed OTP scheme in the paper improves performance without burdening server-side verification.
One-Time Password (OTP) codes offer protection against brute force, replay, and shoulder attacks, enhancing security for login credentials and safeguarding confidential information on web-based platforms.
One-Time Password (OTP) codes enhance security by requiring something users know (password) and have (OTP) for access, reducing risks of unauthorized entry, as highlighted in the paper.
Using One-Time Password (OTP) codes enhances IoT security by preventing password weaknesses and unauthorized access. The MBTSKHF OTP model in IoT ensures high-level security with shorter key size and prevents multiple connections for authentication.

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