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What are the best methods for calculating calcium score? 

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The best methods for calculating calcium score include AI-based image analysis, semiautomatic software provided by the scanner vendor, unrelated vendor software, and fully automatic software . AI-based image analysis has produced numerous automatic calcium scoring methods that enable faster or more reproducible scoring . Inter-vendor variability studies have shown strong agreement between calcium score measurements obtained by different vendors' software, indicating robust performance across different software options . Additionally, a method using artificial neural networks for identifying coronary arteries and calculating calcium scores has been proposed . Another method involves dividing the heart and aorta area, extracting the central axis of each coronary artery, and mapping the results to a common CT image for accurate positioning of calcification points . A method based on plain CT information and image characteristics of suspected calcification regions has also been developed .

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The paper does not provide specific information about the best methods for calculating calcium score.
The paper does not provide information about the best methods for calculating calcium score. The paper is about a full-automatic CT image coronary artery calcification score calculating method.
The paper does not provide information about the best methods for calculating calcium score.
The paper does not provide information on the best methods for calculating calcium score. The paper focuses on assessing the intervendor variability of calcium score measurement using different software products.
The paper does not mention the best methods for calculating calcium score.

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