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What are the best practices for creating a digital communication strategy? 

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The best practices for creating a digital communication strategy include understanding the digital environment, being visible and directly linked to target groups, and taking proactive steps to make marketing communication successful . It is important to practice good interactivity and agile methodologies, as well as disseminate and integrate these practices into projects . Additionally, a robust strategy to coordinate digital communications is vital, especially during times of crisis, and should be developed using science-based principles of systems change . The strategy should involve announcing a plan, gathering information and stakeholder support, building the strategy through an iterative process, and implementing and measuring the impact of digital communications . It is also important to explore citizens' involvement in corporate values and practices dissemination through digital media strategies, and to consider the effectiveness of different models, such as the paternalistic model .

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The paper does not provide specific best practices for creating a digital communication strategy. It focuses on the level of dissemination of good practices related to interactivity and agile, and the proposed methods for structuring, designing, and evaluating interactive content.
The paper does not provide specific best practices for creating a digital communication strategy. It focuses on the development and implementation of the HHS Digital Communications Strategy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccine hesitancy.
The paper does not provide information about the best practices for creating a digital communication strategy. The paper focuses on exploring the digital media strategies practiced for corporate social responsibility programs implementation.
The paper does not provide information about the best practices for creating a digital communication strategy. The paper focuses on exploring the digital media strategies practiced for corporate social responsibility programs implementation.

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