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What are the best practices for implementing school-based training programs to enhance teacher's professional development? 

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Implementing effective school-based training programs to enhance teacher's professional development involves personalized approaches, promoting teacher agency, and addressing critical areas like health literacy and digital technology integration. Research emphasizes the importance of involving teachers in program design , focusing on improving educational teaching and research capabilities . Personalized professional development programs have shown positive outcomes, enhancing teachers' knowledge and implementation of critical health literacy content . Additionally, successful projects like those under the Erasmus+ Programme serve as examples of good practices, emphasizing continuous learning and specialization to meet teachers' real training needs . By prioritizing teacher involvement, personalized learning, and continuous support, school-based training programs can effectively contribute to teachers' professional growth and overall educational quality.

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Five examples of good practices in teacher training through Erasmus+ projects include specialization, continuous learning, professional improvement, and enhancing teaching methods to meet real training needs effectively.
Implementing school-based training programs involves organizing in-school vocational training to enhance teachers' educational capabilities, promote school development, and improve teaching quality, crucial for teachers' professional development.
Implementing school-based training programs should prioritize teacher involvement, offer incentives, and focus on current needs. Certification for in-service training can enhance teachers' skills effectively.
Best practices for school-based teacher professional development include promoting teachers' agency, fostering a collaborative culture, enabling data-driven reflection, and creating concrete conditions for teacher-led learning within a participatory framework.
Implement personalized professional development programs for teachers, focusing on improving health literacy content and pedagogies in school-based health and physical education programs, as shown to enhance teachers' knowledge and practices.

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