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What are the bias issues in image captioning different from gender bias ? 

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Gender bias is a significant concern in image captioning models, as highlighted in multiple studies. Apart from gender bias, other bias issues in image captioning include perpetuating and amplifying harmful societal biases present in the training data. These biases can manifest in various forms, such as racial biases, age biases, or biases related to specific activities or professions depicted in the images. While gender bias has been a primary focus, addressing these additional biases is crucial to ensure that image captioning models produce fair and unbiased descriptions of visual content. By considering and mitigating these various biases, image captioning systems can strive towards more equitable and inclusive outputs in their generated captions.

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07 Apr 2023
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Journal ArticleDOI
Yusuke Hirota, Yuta Nakashima, Noa Garcia 
07 Apr
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