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What are the challenges and opportunities for using social data to improve social welfare? 

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The challenges and opportunities for using social data to improve social welfare are multifaceted. One challenge is the volume, quality, and context of the available data in social service systems, which require unique considerations . Technical, political, privacy, and ethical challenges also exist in utilizing social data for the greater good . However, the potential benefits are significant. Social data can be leveraged to create a better society, generate competitive industries, and improve citizens' well-being . Machine learning techniques, such as social network analytics, game analytics, and medical analytics, can be effective tools for extracting essential information from large amounts of data . Additionally, the integration of data sets and consideration of positive and negative externalities can contribute to the measurement of net social welfare and the creation of value from data . By addressing these challenges and leveraging the opportunities, social data has the potential to make a positive impact on social welfare.

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Open accessPosted ContentDOI
Diane Coyle, Stephanie Diepeveen 
2 Citations
The paper discusses the challenges and opportunities of using social data to improve social welfare, including the trade-offs between positive externalities (such as combining data sets) and negative externalities (such as privacy loss).
Challenges for using social data include technical, political, privacy, and ethical concerns. The paper explores the potential of data donation and participatory design as a solution for utilizing social data for social welfare.
The paper discusses the challenges of using data science tools in the social services sector, including the limitations of small data and the need for refining and leveraging available data. It also highlights the opportunities for data scientists to improve social welfare through collaborations and respecting data limitations.
The paper discusses challenges and opportunities in using machine learning techniques and data analytics for social good, including social network analytics, game analytics, medical analytics, and human resource management analytics.

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