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What are the challenges in applying Hoyles Professionalism for teachers in the classroom? 

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Applying Hoyle's Professionalism for teachers in the classroom faces various challenges. Teachers often encounter obstacles in developing their professionalism due to constraints such as limited facilities, lack of societal support, and barriers in teaching management . Engaging educators in timely and relevant professional development that stimulates instructional changes is another challenge . Teaching professionalism explicitly requires agreeing on definitions, encouraging consistent professional behaviors, and fostering a professional identity through experiential learning and reflection . Additionally, the schooling system may not adequately value or create conditions for Teacher Professional Development (TPD), hindering the implementation of programs aimed at promoting teachers' agency in their professional development .

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Open accessJournal Article
S R Cruess, R L Cruess 
48 Citations
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The challenges in applying Hoyles Professionalism for teachers in the classroom include limited school facilities, lack of societal support, and barriers to teaching management identified in Makassar, Indonesia.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.
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