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What are the current parallel programming techniques used in electron microscopy image processing? 

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Current parallel programming techniques in electron microscopy image processing include novel registration methods utilizing parallelization for faster processing. Additionally, unsupervised deep learning methods leverage convolutional neural networks and spatial transformer layers for rapid image registration. Modern electron microscopes with larger CCD cameras benefit from parallel processing on GPUs, enhancing performance significantly. The evolution of electron microscopy data processing demands high throughput and short response times, necessitating fundamental changes in architecture and algorithms for distributed processing on high-performance systems. Furthermore, efficient FPGA implementations like the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART) accelerate 3D image reconstruction tasks, surpassing traditional hardware capabilities. These techniques showcase the importance of parallelization in enhancing the speed and accuracy of electron microscopy image processing.

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The current parallel programming technique used in electron microscopy image processing is the efficient FPGA implementation of the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (SART), reaching 489 megavoxels/s.
The current parallel programming techniques in electron microscopy image processing involve high-throughput distributed systems with responsive GUI interaction, focusing on very high throughput and scalability for both offline and live data processing.
The paper discusses adapting electron microscopy techniques like multislice simulation and exit wave reconstruction to utilize parallel architectures such as GPUs for improved performance in image processing.
The paper introduces a parallel prefix algorithm for registering long electron microscopy series, reducing processing time significantly using parallelization on 512 Intel IvyBridge cores.
Not addressed in the paper.

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