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What are the currently available simulations of path planning? 

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Currently available simulations of path planning include various algorithms such as RRT*, I-RRT*, artificial potential field method, Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRMs), A-star, Rapidly Exploring Random Trees (RRTs), Generalized Laser Simulator (GLS), and a deep learning-based approach incorporating a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) . These simulations aim to find collision-free paths in environments with obstacles, with each algorithm offering unique advantages. For instance, the I-RRT* algorithm improves upon RRT* by addressing issues like slow convergence speed and unsmooth paths, particularly beneficial for manipulator path planning . On the other hand, the GLS algorithm outperforms PRMs, RRTs, and A-star in terms of total path distance covered, search time, and path smoothness in 2D maps . Additionally, the CRNN-based approach shows promising results in finding the shortest path efficiently, especially in sparse environments, achieving significant speed-ups compared to traditional algorithms like A* .

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The paper presents a novel approach using CRNN and A* for path planning simulations, outperforming A* by up to 831 times in sparse environments, showcasing exceptional speed-up capabilities.
Available simulations of path planning include A*, GLS, RRT, and PRM algorithms. Among these, GLS algorithm outperforms others in total path distance, search time, and path smoothness.
Not addressed in the paper.
The paper introduces an improved algorithm I-RRT* for path planning of manipulators, showcasing advanced simulation results compared to traditional methods, addressing the need for efficient path planning simulations.
The paper introduces an improved algorithm I-RRT* for path planning of manipulators, showcasing advanced simulation results compared to traditional methods.

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