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What are the differences in carbon footprints among high, medium, and low-income consumers in Shanghai, China? 

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Household carbon footprints in Shanghai, China vary among high, medium, and low-income consumers. Research indicates that consumer behaviors significantly influence carbon footprints. The carbon emissions of Chinese households in 2015 show that most emissions come from direct energy, food, medical, and daily necessities consumption, with variations based on income levels and regions. Furthermore, there is a notable inequality in carbon footprints at the individual household level, with urban-rural disparities playing a significant role in carbon footprint inequalities within China. Additionally, a study on China's household carbon footprints for different income groups across regions highlights that the top 5% of income earners contribute significantly to the national household carbon footprint, emphasizing the impact of income disparities on carbon footprints.

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In Shanghai, China, high-income consumers have significantly larger carbon footprints compared to medium and low-income groups, driven by disparities in consumption patterns and urban-rural divides.
Household carbon emissions in Shanghai, China vary among income groups. High-income households show lower proportions of carbon emissions from direct energy, food, medical, and daily necessities compared to low-income households.
High-income earners in Shanghai have larger carbon footprints compared to medium and low-income earners. Economic growth contributes to reduced carbon inequality among households in China.
Consumer behaviors significantly impact carbon footprints in Shanghai. Actual data collection revealed discrepancies between estimated and empirical data, emphasizing the need for accurate assessments across income levels.
Not addressed in the paper.

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