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What are the differences of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) abroad and in China? 

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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) abroad and in China exhibit both similarities and differences. In China, ESP research has shown a rising trend over the past two decades, with a focus on relationships between ESP and college English, academic English, corpus, and teaching modes . Chinese universities are transitioning from English for general purposes to ESP teaching, leading to the emergence of ESP teachers who undergo a complex learning process and identity transformation . ESP programs in China are tailored to adult learners aiming to acquire professional skills and perform job-related functions . Conversely, ESP settings in China face challenges such as limited professional development opportunities and dated knowledge of L2 motivation theory, impacting teacher beliefs and practices . Additionally, a study on Chinese vocational students' needs in ESP highlighted the importance of language skills, sub-skills, and gender differences in learning preferences .

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ESP teachers in China face tensions between beliefs and practices due to cultural influences like Confucian values and limited professional development, impacting student motivation and self-determination.
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Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
15 Jun 2021
1 Citations
ESP abroad focuses on professional skills for adult learners, while in China, it may cater to different job-related functions. Both emphasize needs assessment and purpose-driven English language teaching methods.
Not addressed in the paper.

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