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What are the different types of content marketing jobs in an marketing agency? 

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Content marketing jobs in a marketing agency can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the agency. Some common types of content marketing jobs include content strategists, content creators, content managers, SEO specialists, social media managers, and data analysts. Content strategists are responsible for developing and implementing content marketing strategies . Content creators are involved in producing high-quality and engaging content for various platforms . Content managers oversee the planning, production, and distribution of content . SEO specialists focus on optimizing content for search engines . Social media managers handle the promotion and distribution of content on social media platforms . Data analysts use data and analytics to measure the success and impact of content marketing efforts . These different roles work together to create and execute effective content marketing campaigns.

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01 Jan 2023
The provided paper does not mention the different types of content marketing jobs in a marketing agency. The paper is about content marketing, its importance, and the process involved in planning, producing, and distributing content.
The paper does not provide information about the different types of content marketing jobs in a marketing agency. The paper discusses the concept of content marketing and its various aspects, but it does not specifically address job roles in marketing agencies.
The provided paper does not mention the different types of content marketing jobs in a marketing agency. The paper primarily focuses on various aspects of operative content marketing, such as producing, distributing, and promoting content, as well as tips for agency management and SEO-optimized content production.
The provided paper does not mention the different types of content marketing jobs in a marketing agency. The paper is about voice content marketing on voice assistants.

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