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What are the difficulties having in mantaining discipline in classrooms? 

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Maintaining discipline in classrooms poses significant challenges for teachers due to various factors. Teachers face difficulties in managing student misbehavior, which can lead to a negative impact on the learning environment . Lack of respectful behavior towards teachers and classmates is a prevalent issue in schools, contributing to discipline problems . Additionally, inadequate training in classroom management during pre-service education can hinder teachers' ability to effectively handle disruptive behaviors . Teachers need to possess essential qualities and skills to manage discipline effectively, emphasizing the importance of creating a conducive learning environment based on mutual respect and understanding . Implementing strategies such as social and emotional learning programs can help in preventing disruptive actions and promoting positive behaviors among students, ultimately enhancing the overall classroom discipline .

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Maintaining discipline in classrooms poses challenges for teachers, impacting teaching effectiveness and classroom atmosphere. Teachers address issues using various methods with support from colleagues, management, and parents.
Open accessJournal Article
22 Mar 2012-Education 3-13
16 Citations
Early childhood educators face challenges in maintaining discipline due to insufficient training in classroom management, leading to behavioral issues and impacting student learning and teacher retention.
Difficulties in maintaining discipline in classrooms include challenges related to control, teacher qualities, and preventing discipline problems. Teachers need effective management skills and moral virtues to address these challenges.
Maintaining discipline in classrooms faces challenges due to disrespectful behavior, teacher attrition, and the need for proactive strategies to prevent disruptive actions, as highlighted in the study.
Difficulties in maintaining discipline in classrooms include behavioral issues of students and teachers, impacting educational quality. Active student participation and family involvement during online classes can mitigate discipline problems effectively.

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