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What are the drawbacks/problems of Terminal sliding mode control? 

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Terminal sliding mode control, despite its advantages in enhancing dynamic tracking performance and robustness, has some drawbacks. One significant issue associated with terminal sliding mode control is the occurrence of the Chattering phenomenon, caused by high-frequency components of system modes. To address this problem, a saturation function is often used instead of the sign function. Additionally, the need for complete knowledge of all states for effective implementation of terminal sliding mode control can be a limitation. Moreover, in the context of designing controllers for systems like Dynamic Voltage Restorers, the nonlinear control approach of terminal sliding mode control may introduce complexities compared to linear control methods.

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Terminal sliding mode control may face challenges in parameter tuning and complexity. However, the proposed approach enhances accuracy and robustness in mitigating voltage quality issues in power systems.
Drawbacks of Terminal Sliding Mode Control include chattering phenomenon, gain overestimation, and instability in the presence of unknown disturbances, which are addressed by Adaptive Terminal Sliding Mode Control.
Drawbacks of Terminal Sliding Mode Control include challenges with strong nonlinearity, unmodeled dynamics, and external disturbances in pneumatic systems, necessitating effective estimation of uncertain factors using ESO.
Drawbacks of Terminal Sliding Mode Control include chattering due to high-frequency components, which can be mitigated by using a saturation function instead of the sign function.

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