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What are the effects of vegetation clearing during the construction phase of a Wind Farm development? 

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Vegetation clearing during wind farm construction has significant environmental impacts. Studies show that wind farms in Puerto Madryn cleared 996 hectares of vegetation, amounting to 0.81% of the city area . Additionally, wind farms in protected areas like Dealurile Agighiolului Natura 2000 site in Romania have caused disturbances to rare, endemic, and threatened plant species, leading to incomplete recovery even after ten years of restoration efforts . The construction of wind farms alters land surface temperature and vegetation, with a warming effect on nighttime temperatures and a decrease in vegetation health, particularly in grasslands and croplands . These findings emphasize the need for sustainable practices to minimize the ecological footprint of wind farm developments.

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During wind farm construction, vegetation clearing leads to a decrease in peak normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for 59% of wind farms, with an average reduction of 0.0067 compared to non-wind farm areas.
Clearing vegetation near wind turbines affects power generation and rotor bending. Extended clearing can increase power output and reduce rotor loads compared to homogeneous forest conditions.
Vegetation clearing during wind farm construction significantly impacts rare, endemic, and threatened plant species diversity, with less than 40% colonizing disturbed areas, hindering recovery even after a decade.
Open accessJournal ArticleDOI
María Pía Di Nanno, Jonatan Hojman 
01 Aug 2020
1 Citations
Vegetation clearing during wind farm construction impacts habitat fragmentation and soil disturbance. Measures are taken to minimize these effects and manage topsoil for proper remediation of intervened areas.
Clearings in forests near wind turbines can optimize power generation and reduce fatigue loads, impacting profitability by balancing electrical output and maintenance costs.

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