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What are the ethical concerns and societal threats that may arise when using Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS)? 

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The use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) raises significant ethical concerns and societal threats. Ethical objections against LAWS include the responsibility gap, human agency, and moral duty, highlighting the moral wrongness of deploying killer robots . LAWS, capable of selecting and attacking targets without human intervention, defy ethical and legal norms, posing risks to civilian populations and defying International Humanitarian Law . The combination of 3D printing and AI for self-production of weapons, including drones, amplifies dangers by evading metal detectors, potentially leading to mass availability and disrupting public safety . Empirical studies suggest a concerning trend where LAWS are increasingly likely to be used, especially in homeland defense scenarios, with male individuals showing more willingness to deploy such systems . The lack of global regulations allows for the proliferation of LAWS in modern battlefields, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive international treaties to ban their production and use .

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Ethical concerns and societal threats of LAWS include lack of global regulation, potential for indiscriminate use, and autonomy in decision-making for lethal force, as discussed in the paper.
Ethical concerns include increased civilian casualties influencing LAWS use, potential misuse in homeland defense, and gender disparity in willingness to deploy LAWS. Societal threats stem from autonomous decision-making in warfare.
Ethical concerns with LAWS include the responsibility gap, human agency, and moral duty issues, highlighting the moral wrongness of killer robots beyond their consequences.
Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs) raise ethical concerns due to their autonomy, posing threats by potentially harming civilians, defying international humanitarian law, and lacking human oversight, risking mass destruction.

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