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What are the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas? 

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Begging is a complex issue caused by multiple individual and structural deprivations. It is found in both developed and developing countries, with different types and nature. In India, religious beliefs encourage begging as a way to please God . The socio-economic causes of begging include poverty, lack of education, and unemployment . Beggars face various problems such as lack of shelter, food insecurity, and health issues . However, the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas are not addressed in the provided abstracts.

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The paper mentions that beggars have reported addiction to substances such as smoking, gutkha, panmasala, tobacco, daru (locally made beer), and gambling. However, it does not specifically mention the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas.
The provided paper does not discuss the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas.
The provided paper does not discuss the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas.
The provided paper does not discuss the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas.
The provided paper does not discuss the experiences and influences of beggar eating habits in public areas.

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