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What are the factors that contribute to road accidents involving two-wheeled delivery riders? 

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Road accidents involving two-wheeled delivery riders are influenced by various factors. Factors contributing to such accidents include not wearing helmets, breaking traffic laws like running red lights, speeding, reverse riding, and changing lanes . Additionally, risky behaviors such as using mobile phones while riding, inadequate sleep, and long working hours also play a role in increasing the likelihood of accidents . Intelligent helmets equipped with safety features like alcohol sensors, mems sensors, and eye blink sensors aim to enhance rider safety and prevent accidents caused by drunk driving, lack of helmet use, and fatigue . Addressing these factors through targeted interventions and strategies can help reduce the rate and severity of road accidents involving delivery riders .

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Factors contributing to road accidents involving two-wheeled riders include refusal to wear helmets, alcohol use, driving under the influence, fatigue, distraction, and speeding, as highlighted in the research.
Factors contributing to road accidents involving delivery e-riders include running red lights, reverse riding, speeding, bike lanes, changing lanes, and e-bicyclist age, with significant impacts on crash severities.
Factors contributing to road accidents involving two-wheeled riders include non-helmet use, traffic law violations, and the prevalence of unsafe helmets, especially among younger individuals.
Factors contributing to road accidents involving two-wheeled riders include non-helmet use, fashionable yet unsafe helmets, and traffic law violations, with a high percentage of fatalities among young riders.

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