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What are the future trends in multiobjective optimization? 

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Future trends in multiobjective optimization include the acceleration of optimal control for complex problems using surrogate models and model predictive control techniques . Additionally, the field is moving towards specialized and advanced multi-objective evolutionary algorithms, with a wide variety of algorithms available for solving highly complex optimization problems . Another emerging trend is the concept of multiobjectivization, where single-objective optimization problems are transformed into multiobjective ones to attain superior solutions, reduce local optima, and enhance solution diversity . In the energy sector, multiobjective optimization models are increasingly applied to address challenges in areas like smart grids and renewable energy sources, highlighting the importance of exploring well-balanced solutions . Furthermore, in cancer therapy, optimization techniques are being utilized to identify optimal drug combinations, emphasizing the need for advanced heuristic optimization methods to overcome the complexity of the optimization problem .

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Future trends in multiobjective optimization include renewable energy integration, smart grid development, electric mobility, and demand-side resource utilization, addressing complex decision-making in the energy sector.
Future trends in multiobjective optimization include advancing methods, addressing limitations, exploring new applications, enhancing theoretical analyses, and developing benchmarks for evaluation to further improve solution quality and diversity.
Future trends in multi-objective optimization include specialized algorithms, ongoing research advancements, and the exploration of new research paths to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of evolutionary algorithms in solving complex problems.

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