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What are the gaps in Filipino Culinary museum? 

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Filipino culinary museums exhibit minimal openness in terms of physical, online, and data access levels, contributing to global inequality in digital cultural heritage. Despite the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines, there is a lack of a comprehensive historical backbone to nurture a body of claims about Filipino food and food-ways. Additionally, Filipino cuisine is still perceived to lack a strong identity and branding needed to attract travelers, hindering its full potential in the culinary tourism industry. To bridge these gaps, there is a need for further research and documentation on the evolution of Filipino dishes like adobo, sinigang, suman, and leche flan, as well as enhancing the openness and accessibility of Filipino culinary museums to promote and preserve the country's rich gastronomic heritage.

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Gaps in Filipino Culinary Museum include lack of comprehensive historical research on traditional dishes like adobo, sinigang, suman, and leche flan, and uncertainties about ingredient evolution and cultural influences.
Not addressed in the paper.
Not addressed in the paper.

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