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What are the impact of lack of data organization? 

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The lack of data organization can have several impacts on organizations. It can hinder organization-wide coordination and decision-making, as well as limit local autonomy and flexibility. Additionally, it can lead to changes in system design and implementation costs. Lack of data organization can also result in a lack of data-driven decision-making and sustainable innovation within organizations. It can make data and analytics tools and insights inaccessible and hinder the delegation of power and decision-making authority over data management. Traditional data analytics, ELT, and BI approaches can be complex, inflexible, and difficult to change, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the data analysis process. By democratizing analytics and decentralizing cloud data management, organizations can improve the accessibility, agility, and innovation of their data management systems.

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The paper does not specifically mention the impact of lack of data organization. The paper discusses the struggles organizations face in making data and analytics tools widely available and accessible, as well as the challenges in delegating decision-making authority over data management.
Book ChapterDOI
Robert W. Pautke, Thomas C. Redman 
01 Jan 2002
6 Citations
The paper does not specifically mention the impact of lack of data organization. The paper discusses issues such as poor connection between strategy and data, low accuracy levels, inadequate knowledge of available data resources, and lack of management accountability.
The paper does not explicitly discuss the impact of the lack of data organization.
Open accessDissertation
07 Nov 2012
1 Citations
The provided paper does not discuss the impact of lack of data organization.

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