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What are the key components of operations schedule systems? 

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Operation schedule systems typically consist of several key components. These include floor figure generation units, operation plan icon generation units, and operation plan icon display units for visualizing elevator operation plans . Additionally, such systems incorporate data servers, computing servers, and programs for predicting passenger numbers and determining train operations at various stations . Furthermore, operation schedule generating apparatuses involve obtaining solar radiation information, monitoring battery charge levels, and adjusting schedules based on threshold candidates to control storage batteries effectively . Moreover, operation scheduling methods encompass center nodes, control nodes, and calculation nodes for task allocation, scheduling, and execution to enhance efficiency and resource utilization rates . Overall, operation scheduling systems aim to manage resources, prioritize tasks, optimize operations, and improve service efficiency while ensuring real-time application and scheduling information .

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Key components of operation scheduling systems are operating area management device, priority level management device, and schedule output device. These components prioritize operations efficiently for resource optimization and service enhancement.
Key components of operation scheduling systems include a center node, control nodes, and calculation nodes. Tasks are allocated, sliced, and scheduled for efficient resource utilization.
The key components of operation schedule systems are floor figure generation, operation plan icon generation based on elevator stoppage times, and operation plan icon display on a screen.
Key components of operations schedule systems include a data server for passenger information, a program predicting waiting passengers, and another determining train increase or reduction based on passenger numbers.
Key components of operation schedule systems include solar radiation information, remaining charge of storage battery, threshold candidates based on solar data changes, and adjustment of schedule according to selected threshold candidate.

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