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What are the key concepts and features of postmodern epistemology? 

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Postmodern epistemology encompasses criticality, innovation, and a resistance to tradition and authority. It involves a shift towards activist commitment and radical change . Postmodern thought challenges rigid structures and advocates for creation and reclassification in various fields, including management. It emphasizes the coexistence of different types of knowledge and the acceptance of diverse language games in discourse. Postmodern epistemology also questions the traditional concept of truth representation, highlighting the irreducible difference between sign and signified, leading to a dependence on interpreters rather than religious authority. Ultimately, postmodern epistemology promotes a dynamic and innovative approach to knowledge creation and dissemination.

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Postmodern epistemology challenges fixed truths, emphasizing the irreducible difference between sign and signified, endless translatability, and a phenomenology of givenness against idolatry, revealing truth through contextual narratives like liturgy.
Postmodern epistemology highlights the coexistence of scientific and narrative knowledge, emphasizing diverse language games in discourse. It addresses cultural imperialism, adaptive scientific knowledge, and unchanging narrative knowledge.
Key concepts of postmodern epistemology include naturalist, normative, operational, critical, and activist foundations. Postmodern cartographic research integrates constructivist, post-positivist, systemist, and interventionist postures for knowledge construction.
Postmodern epistemology challenges singular truths, emphasizing cultural influence on knowledge. It questions representation, reality, and rejects absolute truths, advocating for contingent, historical, and diverse perspectives.
Open accessJournal Article
18 Citations
Key concepts of postmodern epistemology include resistance to tradition and authority, advocating creation and innovation. Features involve challenging structure, order, and rigidity, promoting new ways of recognition and explanation in management.

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