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What are the key factors that influence entrepreneurial opportunity recognition in relation to intellectual capital and open innovation? 

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Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition is influenced by various factors, including intellectual capital, open innovation, and foresight . Intellectual capital, comprising relational, social, and structural capital, enhances opportunity recognition by fostering open sustainability innovation in small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) . Additionally, the application of foresight plays a crucial role in identifying entrepreneurial opportunities, as individuals tend to be future-oriented during opportunity recognition, leading to the identification of more and better opportunities . Moreover, the quality of entrepreneurship, influenced by institutional factors like quality of institutions and social openness, mediates the relationship between opportunity recognition and innovation, highlighting the importance of the environment in entrepreneurial processes .

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Factors influencing sustainable opportunity recognition include internal and external aspects. The study focuses on sustainable entrepreneurship, not specifically on intellectual capital and open innovation. "Not addressed in the paper."
Not addressed in the paper.
Opportunity recognition in entrepreneurship is influenced by the quality of institutions, social openness, and the mediating role of entrepreneurship quality, as highlighted in the study.
Not addressed in the paper.

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