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What are the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice publications on physiotherapy ? 

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Physiotherapy literature reflects varying levels of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice (KAP) among professionals. Studies in India highlight a lack of awareness about Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) among physiotherapists, with only 50% aware of the term and showing negative attitudes and poor practice towards it . Similarly, evidence-based practice (EBP) implementation faces challenges due to insufficient knowledge and expertise among physiotherapists in India, with barriers like time constraints and information resource costs hindering its adoption . Moreover, a study on managing non-specific neck pain reveals a complex relationship between physiotherapists' knowledge, attitude, and practice behaviors, emphasizing the influence of individual attitudes, skills, and patient-related factors on clinical decisions . These publications collectively underscore the importance of enhancing awareness, knowledge, and skills among physiotherapists to improve patient care and outcomes.

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Physiotherapists' knowledge, attitude, and practice behavior in managing non-specific neck pain were explored. They utilized a biopsychosocial approach, facing barriers like patient resistance and personal routines.
Not addressed in the paper.
Knowledge, attitude, and implementation of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) in physiotherapists in India were assessed, revealing a need for improved skills and curriculum integration for EBP recognition.
Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) among physiotherapists in India were assessed. Lack of awareness, negative attitude, and poor practice of PNE were observed.
Not addressed in the paper.

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