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What are the legal aid and support services available to acid victims in India? 

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Legal aid and support services for acid attack victims in India are crucial yet often inadequate. Despite recent legislation mandating government support for victims, male victims are often overlooked and face challenges in accessing disability services . The patriarchal ideology in India contributes to the prevalence of acid attacks, with a lack of efficient legal remedies exacerbating the issue . Rural victims face additional hurdles due to a shortage of lawyers, impacting their access to justice and legal representation . Male victims of acid attacks are particularly neglected, with society showing more sympathy towards female survivors, highlighting a gender bias in addressing such crimes . Overall, there is a need for improved legal aid infrastructure and societal awareness to support all acid attack victims effectively.

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Acid attack victims in India now have rights similar to disabled individuals, granting access to disability benefits and welfare schemes, including government job opportunities, as ruled by the Indian Supreme Court.
Male acid attack victims in India, including those involved in intra-familial disputes or random attacks, often lack adequate government support and compensation for accessing disability services as mandated by recent legislation.

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