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What are the main challenges facing the Karen group in Thailand? 

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The main challenges facing the Karen group in Thailand include territorialization conflicts with authorities like the Royal Forestry Department , adaptation difficulties in healthcare settings due to system-level and communication challenges , struggles to maintain their traditional way of life due to political issues, forest reclamation policies, and land allocation hindrances , and the impact of frontier capitalism on their livelihoods and natural resource control, leading to the need for negotiation and survival strategies . Additionally, the lack of field research and security concerns hinder a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by children affected by armed conflict in the borderlands of Thailand, emphasizing the need for more inclusive research approaches .

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The main challenges facing the Karen group in Thailand include political conflict, lack of Thai citizenship, competition for natural resources, and difficulties in collaborating with men for joint action.
Challenges facing the Karen group in Thailand include lack of permanent identity cards for children in non-formal education and security issues hindering field research in borderlands.
Challenges faced by Karen people in health settings include system-level and communication challenges. Providers recommend strategies like improving communication, partnering with interpreters, and cultural sensitivity for effective care.
The main challenge facing the Karen group in Thailand is the overlap of land claims with the Royal Forestry Department, leading to territorialization conflicts and restrictions on farmland access.
The main challenges facing the Karen group in Thailand are political issues impacting their traditional way of life, struggle to maintain their way of life in current settlements, and obstructions from laws and regulations.

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