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What are the methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change? 

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Faith-based organizations use various methods to promote social change. One approach is through engaging in ongoing healthy lifestyle practices to prevent chronic diseases, which affect a significant portion of the population . These organizations also analyze identity construction and positioning to critically engage cultural discourses and serve historically marginalized groups . Additionally, understanding the underlying motives and political agendas of religious actors within these organizations is crucial for designing appropriate models of engagement to produce positive social change . Furthermore, management training for clergy manager-leaders in non-denominational faith-based organizations is seen as necessary to improve workforce productivity and organizational performance, aligning with the changes in their communities . These methods highlight the importance of addressing health, cultural, and political aspects within faith-based organizations to achieve social change.

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The paper does not provide information about the specific methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change.
The paper does not provide specific information about the methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change.
The methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change are not mentioned in the provided information.
The paper discusses the methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change in Aotearoa, but does not provide specific details.
The methods used by faith-based organizations to promote social change include creating a supportive environment and offering health promotion programs for members.

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