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What are the moderen Intelligent Data Analytics Techniques? 

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Modern Intelligent Data Analytics Techniques encompass a variety of approaches drawing from machine learning, computational intelligence, and statistical methods. These techniques include supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, active, and reinforcement learning, as well as algorithms like naive Bayes classifiers, decision trees, support vector machines, neural networks, artificial neural networks (ANNs), genetic programming, fuzzy logic, and nature-inspired techniques such as gravitational search algorithms. Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA) involves the interpretation and understanding of datasets through linguistic methods and cognitive systems, aiding in complex data analysis processes and decision-making. These advanced techniques are crucial for tasks like ground resistance estimation, flashover voltage prediction, load forecasting, and optimization in electric power engineering domains.

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01 Jan 2005
13 Citations
Modern Intelligent Data Analytics Techniques include artificial intelligence, databases, high-performance computing, pattern recognition, and statistics, which complement each other for effective data analysis (Berthold & Hand, 2003; Liu, 1999).
Modern Intelligent Data Analytics Techniques in electric power engineering include ANNs, inductive ML, genetic programming, wavelet NNs, fuzzy logic, and nature-inspired algorithms like gravitational search algorithm for various applications.
Modern Intelligent Data Analytics Techniques include supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, active, and reinforcement learning, utilizing algorithms like naive Bayes, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks for evaluation.
Intelligent data analysis techniques involve semantic analysis, linguistic methods, and cognitive systems for interpreting datasets, showcasing modern approaches in computerized information analysis.
Intelligent Data Analysis Techniques in modern times primarily rely on Classical Machine Learning algorithms for advanced reasoning systems, as highlighted in the paper.

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What are the best practices for conducting data analysis in data science?5 answersData analysis in data science follows a set of best practices to ensure accurate and meaningful insights. These practices include data acquisition, collection, visualization, quantification, and interpretation. Additionally, the use of methodological frameworks for analyzing data is important. It is crucial to consider the ethical and governance questions that arise when integrating privacy-preserving techniques like differential privacy into the data science workflow. A six-phase framework can be used to guide the investigation of data, incorporating key practices, processes, and dispositions. Implementing end-to-end data management best practices early in the research design phase can have a positive impact on data analysis. Understanding common patterns and solutions in data mining processes can also enhance data analysis tasks.

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