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What are the most common reasons why Internet wifi routers need repair, refurbishing, or republishing? 

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Internet wifi routers may need repair, refurbishing, or republishing due to various reasons. One common reason is the projection of repair costs being exceeded, resulting in economic loss . Another reason is the need to replace defective electronic components and apply protective coatings to prevent damage caused by exposure to moisture . Additionally, the presence of partial packets with errors in a Wi-Fi network can lead to the need for repair instead of retransmission, improving link throughput and reducing packet jitter . Furthermore, the global community networking movement emphasizes locally-managed network infrastructure, which requires maintenance and repair of networking hardware and software . Lastly, wireless LANs may require repair methods for partial packet recovery, such as error correction codes or targeted error correction, to improve performance while considering CPU and power constraints .

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The provided paper does not discuss the reasons why Internet wifi routers need repair, refurbishing, or republishing. The paper focuses on the design, implementation, and evaluation of a software partial packet recovery system in 802.11 wireless LANs.
The provided paper does not mention the reasons why Internet wifi routers need repair, refurbishing, or republishing. The paper focuses on proposing a rate selection scheme for repairing partial packets in a Wi-Fi network.
The provided paper does not mention anything about the common reasons why Internet wifi routers need repair, refurbishing, or republishing. The paper is about an approach to refurbishing or remanufacturing electronic devices in general.
The provided paper does not mention the specific reasons why Internet wifi routers need repair, refurbishing, or republishing. The paper focuses on providing an automated method for economically intelligent process routing in the repair, re-manufacture, or refurbishment of electronic products.

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