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What are the positive abd negative effect of facebook messenger that focus on real world consequences supported by evidence? 

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Facebook Messenger has both positive and negative effects with real-world consequences. Positive effects include increased political engagement and knowledge, leading to higher voter turnout . On the negative side, Facebook Messenger has been linked to real-life violence incidents in Bangladesh, where social media posts triggered hatred and violence . Additionally, the platform is susceptible to digital crime, with criminals exploiting it for illegal activities, necessitating digital forensics to gather evidence . Moreover, users tend to exhibit optimistic bias, believing negative outcomes are more likely to happen to others than to themselves, influencing their support for internet regulation . These findings highlight the dual nature of Facebook Messenger, emphasizing the importance of understanding its impact on society.

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
Jisun An, Daniele Quercia, Jon Crowcroft 
01 Oct 2014
55 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
Positive effects of Facebook Messenger include easy communication, while negative effects involve potential misuse for digital crime. Evidence-based forensic tools like Magnet AXIOM and Oxygen Forensics Suite aid in uncovering digital evidence.
Not addressed in the paper.

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