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What are the primary motivations for employing multi-objective optimization techniques in hardware generation within system level synthesis ? 

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Employing multi-objective optimization techniques in hardware generation within system-level synthesis is primarily motivated by the need to address conflicting metrics like delay, area, power, wire length, digital noise, reliability, and security . These conflicting objectives necessitate the use of Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms (MOAs) to handle trade-offs effectively . By utilizing MOAs, designers can navigate the complex design space of Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices more efficiently, optimizing various parameters simultaneously . Additionally, the incorporation of multi-fidelity optimization methods can further enhance the optimization process by leveraging low-fidelity estimates available in FPGA CAD flows to speed up the tuning of High-Level Synthesis (HLS) parameters . This approach significantly reduces optimization time compared to traditional methods, improving designer productivity in hardware development .

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Papers (5)Insight
Multi-objective optimization in hardware generation aids in addressing conflicting metrics like delay, area, power, wire length, noise, reliability, and security, optimizing diverse objectives in FPGA synthesis efficiently.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Charles Lo, Paul Chow 
01 Aug 2018
13 Citations
Multi-fidelity optimization in High-Level Synthesis (HLS) aims to enhance designer productivity by utilizing low-fidelity estimates from FPGA CAD flows, reducing optimization time significantly.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Jens Huthmann, Andreas Koch 
01 Dec 2015
5 Citations
Primary motivations for employing multi-objective optimization techniques in hardware generation within system level synthesis include reducing area overhead while maintaining performance of hardware accelerators.
Optimizing hardware reusability and resource efficiency to reduce design area while maintaining performance levels are key motivations for employing multi-objective optimization techniques in hardware generation within system level synthesis.
The primary motivations for employing multi-objective optimization techniques in hardware generation within system level synthesis are to jointly optimize network architecture and hardware configurations for improved performance.

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10 answers
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4 answers
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10 answers
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How does hyperparameter optimization affect the performance of machine learning algorithms?
5 answers
Hyperparameter optimization (HPO) plays a crucial role in enhancing the performance of machine learning algorithms by finding the optimal hyperparameter configurations. HPO methods like Bayesian optimization, metaheuristic algorithms, and automated search strategies significantly impact the effectiveness of ML models by reducing computing time and improving accuracy. Traditional methods such as grid search and random search are time-consuming, prompting the development of more efficient techniques like HyperOpt-TPE, which outperformed other frameworks in optimizing ML classifiers and CNN models. By selecting the best hyperparameter combinations, HPO techniques lead to improved model performance, as demonstrated in experiments involving various machine learning algorithms like random forest, KNN, SVM, Multinomial Logistic Regression, and Artificial Neural Network.
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DEVS formalism always have distributed characteristics?
5 answers
DEVS formalism does not inherently possess distributed characteristics; however, it can be effectively utilized in distributed systems. Various studies highlight the application of DEVS in distributed environments. For instance, Inostrosa-Psijas et al. propose a Web Search Engine (WSE) modeled with DEVS for efficient deployment on distributed clusters. Kim et al. introduce a Hadoop simulator based on DEVS, emphasizing hierarchical and modular modeling for analyzing the effectiveness of Hadoop in distributed systems. These examples demonstrate how DEVS can be leveraged for modeling and simulating distributed systems, showcasing its versatility beyond standalone applications.
What is human-building interaction?
5 answers
Human-building interaction (HBI) refers to the dynamic interplay between humans and building systems, encompassing various aspects such as occupancy status, occupant physiological indicators, building components, building environment, building consumption, and multi-sensing system fusion. HBI research emphasizes the importance of human experiences, building design and operations, and sensing technologies like control systems, decision making, trust, collaboration, and modeling. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the significance of HBI in urban responses, integrating analogue and digital tools for distancing, monitoring, and sanitizing, while addressing privacy concerns. Furthermore, HBI involves integrating technology throughout the building life cycle, from design and construction to inhabitation and post-inhabitation stages, to enhance environmental impact and occupant well-being. Energy-related HBI modeling and simulation are crucial for predicting building energy use based on occupants' behavior and interactions with building systems.