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What are the psychological factors affecting people's participation in natural crisis management? 

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Psychological factors play a crucial role in people's participation in natural crisis management. Individuals affected by natural disasters may experience socio-psychological vulnerabilities, leading to various behaviors such as panic, resilience, and prosocial actions . Post-disaster, individuals may exhibit symptoms like PTSD, major depression, and anxiety disorders, impacting their ability to engage in crisis management efforts . The role of psychologists in emergency situations, like working with firefighter rescuers, involves providing psychological first aid to maintain normal psychological functioning . Understanding the psychological impact of disasters on individuals, including anxiety, panic behavior, and resilience, is essential for effective crisis management and post-disaster recovery efforts. By addressing these psychological factors, authorities can better support survivors and enhance their participation in crisis management activities.

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Psychological factors affecting participation in crisis management include PTSD, major depression, anxiety, and lack of social support. Effective support post-crisis can reduce long-term suffering and promote recovery.
Psychological factors like emotional stability, coping abilities, and subjective reactions influence individuals' participation in natural crisis management, as seen in the context of firefighter rescuers.
Psychological factors influencing people's participation in natural crisis management include the framing, directionality, and probabilistic format of uncertain scientific advice, impacting their understanding and action choices.
Psychological factors affecting people's participation in natural crisis management include socio-psychological vulnerabilities, as studied in the case of citizens of Bam City after the 2003 earthquake.
Psychological factors influencing people's involvement in natural crisis management include panic behavior, resilience, and prosocial behaviors, as highlighted in studies on disaster victims' psychological and behavioral states.

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