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What are the recent applications of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior theory to the Environment? 

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Recent applications of the Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) theory to the environment have been explored in several studies. These studies have delved into various aspects such as sustainable leadership's influence on employees' OCB for the environment , the impact of green organizational identity and perceived organizational support on OCB for the environment , the role of anticipated guilt in driving organizational environmental citizenship behavior , and the mediating effect of green organizational climate on the relationship between green transformational leadership and employee OCB for the environment . By integrating theories like social identity theory, social exchange theory, and deontic justice theory, these recent applications provide a deeper understanding of how organizational practices and employee behaviors intersect in the context of environmental sustainability.

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Recent applications include linking green transformational leadership to employee OCBE, mediated by green organizational climate, and moderated by environmental concern, enhancing sustainable development in the manufacturing industry.
Recent applications integrate social identity and social exchange theories to enhance Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for the environment, emphasizing green organizational identity, exchange ideology, and perceived organizational support.
Recent applications of Organizational Citizenship Behavior theory to the Environment include how sustainable leadership influences green behavior through a green organizational climate and person-organization fit, enhancing environmental citizenship actions.
Recent applications integrate green organizational identity, exchange ideology, and perceived organizational support to enhance Organizational Citizenship Behaviors for the Environment, as shown in the study.
Anticipated guilt, a deontic perspective in CSR, influences organizational environmental citizenship behavior, showing employees' moral reactions to environmental CSR, influenced by manager support and group norms.

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What are the major theoretical perspectives to explain the occurence of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour?4 answersThe occurrence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is explained through various theoretical perspectives. Psychological ownership, agency theory, and governance mechanisms are key factors influencing OCB. Attribution theory sheds light on how service-oriented OCB of coworkers can be contagious, affecting observers through cognitive pathways. Additionally, regret theory is proposed as a useful perspective for understanding the sustainability of OCB, emphasizing the impact of unexpected outcomes, decision consistency, and justification difficulty on employees' feelings of regret regarding OCB. Furthermore, the study of individual and group factors, leadership styles, and employee psychological states are highlighted as core aspects influencing OCB and its outcomes, indicating a comprehensive approach to understanding and promoting OCB for sustainable organizational development.
What is organizational citizenship behavior?5 answersOrganizational citizenship behavior (OCB) refers to the voluntary actions and behaviors exhibited by employees that go beyond their job requirements and contribute to the overall effectiveness and success of the organization. It includes actions such as supporting coworkers, taking initiative, offering to complete extra work, and acting ethically in the workplace. OCB is culturally relativistic and its definition is dominated by the West. It is an individual choice and initiative that increases the efficiency of organizational performance. OCB indirectly contributes to an organization's social system and provides flexibility to work through unforeseen contingencies. It is a voluntary behavior that influences performance improvement, even though it is not included in the job description. OCB is becoming more significant in today's competitive business environment as it leads to increased productivity, work happiness, and staff retention.
Does organizational citizenship behavior positively impact employee performance?5 answersOrganizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has a positive impact on employee performance. OCB includes behaviors such as advocacy participation, voice, conscientiousness, altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, and civic virtue. These behaviors contribute to employees' job satisfaction, reduce job stress, and increase perceptions of prosocial impact. OCB also acts as a buffer between organizational commitment and job motivation, and employee performance. High employee citizenship behavior is considered a significant factor in the success of organizational performance. Additionally, OCB dimensions, including conscientiousness, altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, and civic virtue, have a positive influence on organizational performance. Therefore, OCB positively impacts employee performance by enhancing job satisfaction, reducing job stress, and contributing to the success of organizational performance.
Why organizational citizenship behavior important?5 answersOrganizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is important because it has a significant impact on organizational performance. OCB is considered a crucial factor for the success of a company's performance. It is recognized that employees are activators of organizational resources and are considered an important asset to the organization. OCB provides the necessary flexibility for employees to work through unforeseen contingencies and cope with stressful conditions. OCB also contributes to the improvement of organizational performance. It is found that OCB dimensions such as conscientiousness, altruism, courtesy, sportsmanship, and civic virtue have a positive influence on organizational performance. Additionally, OCB is crucial for the sustainable development of an organization. It helps promote the development of theoretical research on OCB and the sustainable development of the organization. Understanding the factors affecting employees' OCB is essential for improving organizational effectiveness and achieving organizational goals.
What is the relationship between green employee involvement practices and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)?5 answersGreen employee involvement practices have a positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB). Implementing green human resource management (GHRM) practices, such as green collective commitment, collective job satisfaction, and green performance management, promotes OCB. GHRM practices encourage employees to engage in green activities and foster their engagement in OCB. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of job satisfaction in the formation of OCB behavior. The research findings suggest that green employee involvement practices and a supportive organizational culture contribute to the development of OCB. Understanding OCB as a context-related phenomenon is crucial, especially during crises times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is a organizational citizenship behaviors?4 answersسلوكيات المواطنة التنظيمية (OCBs) هي سلوكيات الموظفين التي تتجاوز الأوصاف الوظيفية، ولا تتم مكافأتها رسميًا، وتساهم بشكل إيجابي في المنظمة. تم العثور على OCBs مرتبطة بالأداء الفردي والتنظيمي. في سياق التعليم العالي، تمت دراسة OCBs لفهم علاقاتها مع أداء أعضاء هيئة التدريس والموظفين. يمكن أن تتأثر OCBs بعوامل مثل الرضا الوظيفي والعدالة التنظيمية والالتزام العاطفي والسلوك الأخلاقي. تعتبر OCBs مهمة للشركات الناشئة، لأنها تتطلب موظفين مستعدين لتجاوز واجباتهم لزيادة احتمالية البقاء على قيد الحياة. بشكل عام، تعتبر OCBs سلوكيات تطوعية ينخرط فيها الموظفون لصالح المنظمة، على الرغم من أنها ليست مطلوبة أو مكافأة.

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