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What are the techniques after public speaking? 

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After public speaking, various techniques can be employed to enhance skills and manage anxiety. These techniques include behavior modification methods like public speaking with similar groups, establishing dialogues with the audience in a graded manner, purposeful faltering to overcome fear of failure, and performing voice and breathing exercises . Additionally, mastering basic public speaking techniques, such as solving anxiety, breathing, vocal delivery, and preparation, can aid in improving English proficiency and overall public speaking abilities . Furthermore, incorporating response practices based on research on revision techniques can help in developing a culture of giving and receiving feedback, which is crucial for enhancing oral and written rhetoric skills . Overall, utilizing a combination of these techniques can significantly contribute to post-public speaking improvement and skill development.

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After public speaking, techniques include receiving written and oral feedback, revising the manuscript, improving delivery, and engaging in speech workshops for further feedback and discussion on the process.
After public speaking, techniques include public speaking with similar groups, establishing dialogues with the audience, purposeful faltering to overcome fear, and performing voice and breathing exercises for anxiety reduction.
Open accessBook
Todd Hunt, James E. Grunig 
01 Jul 1993
96 Citations
After public speaking, techniques in public relations include media relations, writing news releases, using radio, television, new technologies, brochures, newsletters, exhibits, annual reports, advertising, and business communications.
The techniques after public speaking include solving anxiety, breathing, vocal techniques, preparation, opening, delivering material, and closing techniques, as well as practicing English for tourism promotion.

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Techniques after public speaking?5 answersAfter public speaking, various techniques can be employed to reduce anxiety and enhance self-esteem. Behavior modification techniques have been shown to significantly decrease public speaking anxiety and increase self-esteem in students. Additionally, response practices involving a dialogue between written and oral rhetoric have been established to create a culture of feedback in public speaking education. Breathing Therapy and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) have also been effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and speaking anxiety among university students. Furthermore, self-empowerment techniques, aimed at improving self-worth and confidence, have been found beneficial in enhancing personal growth and competence in public speaking scenarios. These techniques collectively contribute to post-public speaking strategies for managing anxiety and improving overall performance.
What are some effective techniques for enhancing public speaking skills through various modes of speech?5 answersEffective techniques for enhancing public speaking skills through various modes of speech include chunking-shadowing-windowing strategies for speech improvement. Additionally, utilizing speech enhancement techniques such as the wiener filter, statistical methods, subspace method, basic spectral subtraction method, and spectral subtraction can help improve speech signal quality. Moreover, the Empirical Mode Decomposition and Hurst-based (EMDH) approach, enhanced by the Sliding Window (SW) technique, is effective in tracking non-stationary noises and enhancing speech signals corrupted by such noises, leading to significant improvements in speech enhancement under challenging noise environments. Furthermore, a multimodal prototype utilizing the Microsoft Kinect for real-time feedback on body pose, facial expressions, voice, and speaking performance can aid in improving public speaking skills by providing immediate feedback on various aspects of the speaker's delivery.
What is public speaking? With reference?4 answersPublic speaking is the art or skill of speaking in front of the public with a specific purpose. It involves conveying information to others through face-to-face presentations, speeches, meetings, or informal gatherings. The ability to speak effectively in public requires self-management skills, confidence, and calmness. Public speaking serves the purpose of informing and persuading the audience, and it plays a crucial role in transmitting ideas and motivating listeners. However, there are threats to effective public speaking, such as monotony and speaker anxiety. It is important for individuals, including behavior analysts, to develop public speaking skills to effectively communicate their ideas and overcome the fear of speaking in public.
How does help public speaking?4 answersPublic speaking can be improved through various methods. One approach is to engage in immediacy and confirmation, creating a warm and inclusive environment for students. Providing written prescriptive feedback that is criterion-based, descriptive, and constructive can also help students improve their speaking skills. Peer feedback workshops can be used to enhance speech performance, with students reviewing each other's outlines or practicing speeches together. Low-stakes assignments, such as outline exercises, can reduce anxiety and build confidence in students. Applied assignments that connect public speaking to real-world contexts can also be beneficial. Additionally, public speaking centers and peer consultants can play a role in empowering students through empathetic listening and support. Intelligent interfaces, such as Rhema, can provide live feedback on speaking skills, helping individuals improve their public speaking abilities.
How does public speaking impact?5 answersPublic speaking has various impacts. It can reduce Public Speaking Anxiety (PSA). Increased class sizes in public speaking courses can compromise the pedagogy of the course and result in a decrease in allotted time for instruction and speeches. Public speaking skills are important for behavior analysts to effectively convey the breadth and scope of their field. Veterinarians can build trust with clients and the public by improving their public speaking and communication skills. The public speaking task can induce stress reactions, such as a decrease in respiratory sinus arrhythmia and an increase in heart rate.
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