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What are the theories that related to abseentism? 

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Various theories related to absenteeism include the theory of rational abstention, absolutist thinking, and addiction theory. The theory of rational abstention suggests that voter turnout decreases as the winning party's margin increases . Absolutist thinking, identified in therapeutic studies, can lead to emotional distress and poor health outcomes when individuals face situations that do not meet their demands . Addiction theory defines addiction as a behavior with impaired control and harmful consequences, often punctuated by attempts to abstain or regain control . These theories provide insights into different aspects of absenteeism, whether in the context of voting behavior, coping mechanisms, or addictive behaviors.

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Journal ArticleDOI
01 Jan 2001-Addiction
148 Citations
Not addressed in the paper.
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Open access
Leslie Seidle, David Miller 
01 Jan 2016
The theory of rational abstention focuses on voter efficacy and the likelihood of affecting election outcomes, with support for increased turnout in close elections based on empirical studies.

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