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What are the topics in sucesos isla de last filipinas? 

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The "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" by Antonio de Morga covers a wide range of topics related to the Spanish colonial presence in the Philippines during the 16th century. Morga's work not only delves into the history of the Spanish colony in the Philippines but also touches upon Spanish activities in China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, the Moluccas, Marianas, and other Pacific islands . It provides insights into Filipino customs, manners, and religions during the early years of Spanish conquest . Morga's account is highly valued for being a firsthand narrative of the early Spanish colonial venture into Asia, based on personal experiences and documentation from eyewitnesses . The topics covered in Morga's work are essential for understanding the last stage of Spain's colonial presence in the Far East .

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The topics in "Sucesos de las islas Filipinas" include the discovery, conquest, pacification, and settlement of the Philippine archipelago by Antonio de Morga, a Spanish magistrate, between 1598 and 1602.
Topics in Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas include Spanish colonial venture in Asia, native culture, administration in the Philippines, social classes, arts, crafts, industries, and flora and fauna.
Journal ArticleDOI
24 Jan 1972-Pacific Affairs
68 Citations
The topics in "Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas" include a preface, glossary of Spanish terms, editor's introduction, and a select bibliography.

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