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What are virtual networks? 

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Virtual networks are computer-generated networks that facilitate communication and data transmission between geographically dispersed individuals or devices. These networks utilize technologies like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to securely transmit data over public networks. Additionally, Virtual Electrical Networks (VENs) simulate physical electrical grids using virtual nodes and couplings to optimize energy distribution and identify faults for efficient load balancing. In the realm of virtual machine communication and migration, systems are designed to maintain IP-based communications while migrating virtual machines between server systems. Furthermore, advancements like the virtual network system with routing modules in computing nodes enhance network efficiency by allowing direct communication between virtual machines without the need for network nodes.

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Fan Xingjun, Wang Jianjie, Zhang Yao 
19 Apr 2017
2 Citations
Virtual networks are systems that include computing nodes with virtual machines and routing modules, enabling direct communication between virtual machines in different nodes, enhancing network transmission efficiency without network nodes.
Virtual networks in this context refer to networks created for virtual machine communication and migration using separate IP tunnels to deliver IP packets while maintaining assigned IP addresses during migration.
Virtual networks are secure systems transmitting data over the Internet using specialized programs and protocols. They ensure data protection and are crucial for sensitive information exchange.
03 Dec 2018
4 Citations
Virtual networks are created in electrical grids by representing physical nodes as virtual nodes and couplings. They aid in fault identification, load balancing, and grid reconfiguration for energy conservation.
Book ChapterDOI
01 Jan 2021
1 Citations
Virtual networks refer to geographically dispersed teams collaborating through communication technology like email and video conferencing. They work remotely, relying on virtual communication tools for collaboration.

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What is a computer network?5 answersA computer network is a collection of interconnected devices that can communicate with each other and share resources. It enables devices to exchange data and collaborate, improving communication, productivity, efficiency, and security. Computer networks use various protocols and technologies to facilitate communication, whether the network is local or wide, wired or wireless. The concept of computer networks originated in the 1960s, and since then, the number of computers and networks has significantly increased. Network security is a crucial aspect of computer networks, as attacks on resources can pose significant challenges. Overall, computer networks play a vital role in enabling the sharing of digital information and facilitating communication and collaboration between devices and users.
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