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What do you enter in a robots txt file to block a specific directory and everything in it? 

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Proceedings ArticleDOI
10 Jun 2004
135 Citations
For example, a honeyfile named "passwords. txt" would be enticing to most hackers.
Findings This study provides evidence that log file analytics data appear to grossly over-report due to traffic from robots that are difficult to identify and screen.
Open accessProceedings ArticleDOI
Yang Sun, Ziming Zhuang, C. Lee Giles 
08 May 2007
50 Citations
The results also show that the usage of robots. txt has increased over time.
Proceedings ArticleDOI
Wei Li, Jian Liao, Jianping Zeng 
01 Oct 2019
1 Citations
However, several acute cases show that many crawlers do not obey the rules defined in the robots. txt.
Even when the robots do break trust, a properly timed statement can convince a participant to follow it.
Open accessBook ChapterDOI
Luigi Sportiello, Stefano Zanero 
03 Jan 2012
17 Citations
This paper presents a context-based classification approach that accounts for compound files and improves on block-by-block classification schemes by exploiting the contiguity of file blocks belonging to the same file on the storage media.

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What are some best practices for integrating the Leaflet API with other web technologies such as React or Angular?
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Integrating the Leaflet API with other web technologies like React or Angular involves leveraging the capabilities of Leaflet.js for interactive mapping applications. Best practices include customizing maps with various attributes, combining Leaflet with GeoJSON for adding geometry objects, utilizing plugins like Cluster Marker and Animated Marker, and exploring ESRI features with Leaflet. Additionally, the availability of an on-line high-quality base map service is crucial for providing a geographic frame of reference, while an application programming interface (API) is essential for overlaying operational map service layers. Open source JavaScript libraries like OpenLayers can also be utilized to build mapping interfaces for efficient user experience and data analysis.
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How to download data from chembl?
5 answers
To download data from ChEMBL, users can access the database through a web-based interface, RDF distribution, data downloads, and RESTful web services. The ChEMBL database contains a vast amount of bioactivity measurements for numerous compounds and protein targets, making it a valuable resource for drug discovery and chemical biology research. Recent improvements to ChEMBL include a new data deposition system for updating datasets and depositing supplementary data, as well as a redesigned web interface with enhanced search and filtering capabilities. By utilizing these various access points and features, researchers can easily retrieve and work with the wealth of bioactivity and drug-related data available in the ChEMBL database.
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How can water quality data be effectively collected and processed using Python programming language?
4 answers
Water quality data collection and processing using the Python programming language can be effectively achieved through a combination of techniques and tools designed for data acquisition, preprocessing, analysis, and prediction. Python libraries and tools offer a robust framework for handling the complexities of water quality data. For data collection, Python can be utilized to design web crawlers that efficiently gather water quality monitoring data from online databases such as the Global Freshwater Quality Database (GEMStat), with added multi-thread parallelism to enhance the efficiency of downloading and parsing the data. Additionally, Python's capability to interface with environmental sensors, as demonstrated by the use of YSI EXO2 sonde for collecting high-frequency water quality data, including parameters like dissolved oxygen and turbidity, underscores its utility in direct data acquisition. Once collected, the data can undergo preprocessing to improve its quality for analysis. This includes detecting outliers, validating data against standard deviation levels, and filling missing values using Python's interpolation methods. Python's pandas library, along with custom functions in packages like pyhydroqc, can automate the identification and correction of anomalies in aquatic sensor data, streamlining the quality control process. For data analysis and visualization, Python's pandas and Pyecharts libraries can be employed to reveal intrinsic correlations and spatiotemporal relationships within the water quality data. AbspectroscoPY, an open-source Python toolbox, facilitates the semi-automated processing of absorbance-based sensor data, enabling the exploration of high-frequency measurements. Predictive modeling of water quality is another area where Python excels. Machine learning algorithms, including AutoML and LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks, can be implemented in Python to forecast water quality parameters. These models can predict future water quality trends, aiding in the early warning and management of water resources. In summary, Python provides a comprehensive toolkit for the effective collection, processing, analysis, and prediction of water quality data, leveraging its vast libraries and frameworks to address the multifaceted challenges of water quality management.
What are some antecedents of review helpfulness?
5 answers
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5 answers
Website complexity can indeed decrease user engagement and satisfaction. Studies show that as websites become more complex, users may struggle to locate relevant information, leading to increased cognitive load and longer task completion times. Moreover, high complexity in website design can result in negative emotional responses, decreased heart rate, and increased facial muscle tension among users, impacting their overall experience. The detrimental effects of website complexity extend to decreased participation and interaction in social networking sites, highlighting the importance of streamlining website structures to enhance user navigation and satisfaction. Therefore, simplifying website structures and reducing complexity is crucial for improving user experience and ensuring users stay engaged on the site.
Spencer et al [1] of this citation style?
5 answers
The citation style used in the work by Spencer et al. [1] is a dynamic analysis framework called Spencer. Spencer is designed as a web service and API framework for the dynamic analysis of program traces, allowing users to send queries to the service to be executed on a set of recorded program traces. The framework provides a high-level interface for working with trace data, making queries easy to implement and results reproducible. This approach enables the collection of extensive data sets that can be analyzed frequently with minimal overhead, surpassing the limitations of traditional tracing tools in terms of data collection and performance budget. Spencer's cached results facilitate quick and complex analyses based on primitive queries, enhancing the efficiency of dynamic program analysis.
5 answers
To write a literature review about a Condominium Residential Community and Facilities web-based platform, you should start by conducting a systematic review of international literature on Rural Condominiums. Additionally, consider the importance of preventive maintenance strategies in high-rise residential buildings, emphasizing routine maintenance of building facilities and services. Understanding the structure and process of writing a literature review is crucial for academic success. Furthermore, exploring the advancements in Web Service Composition technology, particularly focusing on Machine Learning approaches, can provide valuable insights for your review. By incorporating these aspects into your literature review, you can offer a comprehensive analysis of the topic, addressing key themes such as agricultural activities, maintenance performance, academic writing skills, and technological advancements in web-based platforms.