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What effects do algorithms have on free will? 

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Algorithms, such as those used in predictive analytics and computational machines, raise questions about their impact on free will. Predictive analytics can lead to unjust outcomes, challenging human freedom. Computational machines, like algorithms, operate with predetermined purposes, limiting their ability to question or exhibit self-determination. Theoretical Computer Science explores nondeterministic and probabilistic algorithms, highlighting the balance between regulations and freedom of choice. Additionally, the idea that the mind functions as an algorithm on biological hardware questions the existence of free will within deterministic or random computations. Overall, algorithms can influence decision-making processes, potentially restricting free will by imposing predetermined objectives or constraints on choices.

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Open access
01 Nov 2008
6 Citations
Algorithms running on the mind's hardware may challenge free will, yet the possibility of free will exists through convergence of initial data, as proposed in the paper.
Algorithms, such as nondeterministic and probabilistic ones, provide a framework to describe possible choices, reflecting regulations that leave room for free will in decision-making processes.
Open accessJournal Article
Robert H. Sloan, Richard Warner 
5 Citations
Algorithms can impact human freedom by potentially violating free will when leading to arbitrary decisions, necessitating regulation to ensure respect for individual autonomy.
Noetical algorithmic incompleteness suggests algorithms do not fully dictate free will, allowing for creativity and truth, as human actions would otherwise be entirely predictable.
Algorithms, being predetermined in purpose, limit free will. Human reason, unlike computational machines, allows for self-determination, indicating humans are not bound by algorithmic constraints.

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