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What factors influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall? 

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The effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall can be influenced by several factors. One factor is the design of the umbrella itself. For example, the umbrella rainwater collecting device described by Wang et al. provides a structure that allows water on the surface of the umbrella to be absorbed, preventing wet and slippery ground . Another factor is the presence of features that facilitate rainwater removal. The umbrella cap for receiving rainwater, as described by Kwak, includes discharge holes and an elastic absorbing member to efficiently collect and store rainwater, preventing it from flowing onto indoor floors . Additionally, the design of the umbrella cover can play a role in rainwater management. The umbrella for preventing water drops, as proposed by Liu et al., includes an upwards-tilted water-retaining bar that allows the user to control the direction of rain dropping and prevents rainwater from wetting the user and pedestrians . These factors contribute to the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.

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The provided paper does not mention any factors that influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.
Liyuan Liu, Shichao Yu, Zhaiqing Zheng 
24 Aug 2011
2 Citations
The provided paper does not mention any factors that influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.
12 Dec 2012
3 Citations
The provided paper does not mention any factors that influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.
The provided paper is about an umbrella rainwater collecting device and does not provide information about the factors that influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.
The provided paper is about an umbrella cap for receiving rainwater and does not provide information about the factors that influence the effectiveness of using an umbrella during rainfall.

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